I don't want to look at this, I don't want to think about the utter collapse of our federal government into an insane cruel and bottomlessly evil dicatorship and I know fuck all about what to do or how to do it.... but I do look within and without every literally damned day for that faint spark of light which will appear somewhere on this globe and spark a proper revolution to put Murika in the place it/we/they/he has prepared for ourselves... far far away from civilization, culture, or commerce... when this frozen pond shatters--which it will--the pieces will take many many years to find their own identity and some will sustain the atrocities as their proud legacy... but some will learn from this irrevocable change in the union of states and humbly set about being decent, if small, countries. Think it won't happen?? ask the USSR how it's doing... or read Himself's guide for personal success.. .Mein Kampf -- he has yet to miss a single instruction laid down in that grimoire...