I see that's the (a?) topic ... calls to mind the worse thing i never bought... many years ago my wife had just entered grad school and we were on break down in New York City. As we walked past a gallery window there was a little crappy painting in the window, and this voice in my head started shouting "buy it! buy it!!" Now I've never bought an oil painting in my life and this one was no prize - I couldn't really tell what, if anything was going on in this little 11 x 9 painting. Nonetheless I went in and got its price - $6,000. So I noped my way out of there and we went on to a very nice Italian lunch. I kept getting a feeling I should buy that damned painting but we certainly weren't in a position to spend 6 grand on anything, much less a weird little painting. Two hours later, the painter died.... and it turned out this was the last thing that Jerry Garcia ever painted. I went back to the gallery and the owner just laughed at me - said she was turning down 6-figure offers.... If I had only bought that painting and sold it back two hours later I would have been set for life! alas...
Oh wow....
Bummer. Like when I was a kid: one could have bought most towns around here for a case of rum. When you had to scape to get a 6 pack of cheap beer.