there have been a few developments in the Quest. After getting the Sacredt Ext decoded by a passing stranger - Ponder the Chettah - he told them that they must descend into the depths (aka the first floor of our house) and ask further guidance from the wise-person on the couch.
This is Black Bat Bart, Francesco, Albert the Frog and Bible salseman, and Blooey headed into the depths where they
encountered a wee bit of trouble:
Fortunately the Monster Juniper (or perhaps Lambert) found their flavor not to his liking so...
they made it safely to the floor of the cavern (aka our living room)... little did they know that hiding around the corner was a much more dangerous foe.. Natasha Kickasski and her minions -- armored (and talking) hamsters:
sorry she's a little blurry ... this caused them to seek the assistance of a Brave Bad Wolf -- BUT it turned out that Thaddeus was a lover and not a fighter and wouldn't go up against Natasha... However... after much thought and talk we learned that he was a Bard, and so he played a Tune of InVocation... which called forth:
one of the most deadly fighters in the world: a daughter (Lucy the Troll) who is irresponsibly throwing away her life by hanging out in Europe (note the baguette) and cruising around in her Mini-Cooper rather than Settling Down and Getting a Nice Job... (also pictured is Ete the somewhat trustworthy chameleon and Thaddeus the Bard
we can presume that safe passage was gained...
until next time!