so we had our end-of-summer astrology class last night, preceded by a super-fine Italian veggie meal and vegan lavender-chocolate cake. We've been working on planetary groups and the sequence of planets in a chart - techniques I use to help people deconstruct complexes -- a paper on this is forthcoming, I hope. We'll continue practicing on this for the fall semester, and then I hope to move on to Progressions and Solar Arc (which latter are profound, if a little scary, as they often indicate the rare moments of genuine Destiny in our lives).
I see Astrology as one of the Five Forces (not to be confused with Fox Force Five) that we encounter:
Chaos, Free Will, Karma, Destiny (aka astrology), and Fate. The first two are probably obvious; by Karma I don't mean judgment for past lives - just the simple fact that if you're an idiot, stupid things happen to you. By Destiny I mean those events and encounters we cannot possibly orchestrate by our own effort or the sheer momentum of our existence (Free Will and Karma respectively); and which events/people arrive at key moments of transformation in our lives. The fifth force; Fate, is the rarest - when the interaction of the previous 4 generates a national/world changing event. MLK was a Fate-d Man; Joan of Arc, a Fate-d woman. Many others followed their paths, spoke similar words, believed similar things, but these folk were placed in our awareness--and knew it themselves-- and that is Fate. -- the rest is really just rearranging our psychological furniture and watching home movies...
speaking of which, am now on a new heart medicine which is producing interesting dreams indeed!
one of these days I'm gonna do a little rant here about underwear do's and don'ts in sets, or maybe just quote Ferlinghetti.
for those few that read these things, thanks for your comments; there are some very sharp minds and remarkable people populating this site... which is truly the reason I hang around
I see Astrology as one of the Five Forces (not to be confused with Fox Force Five) that we encounter:
Chaos, Free Will, Karma, Destiny (aka astrology), and Fate. The first two are probably obvious; by Karma I don't mean judgment for past lives - just the simple fact that if you're an idiot, stupid things happen to you. By Destiny I mean those events and encounters we cannot possibly orchestrate by our own effort or the sheer momentum of our existence (Free Will and Karma respectively); and which events/people arrive at key moments of transformation in our lives. The fifth force; Fate, is the rarest - when the interaction of the previous 4 generates a national/world changing event. MLK was a Fate-d Man; Joan of Arc, a Fate-d woman. Many others followed their paths, spoke similar words, believed similar things, but these folk were placed in our awareness--and knew it themselves-- and that is Fate. -- the rest is really just rearranging our psychological furniture and watching home movies...
speaking of which, am now on a new heart medicine which is producing interesting dreams indeed!
one of these days I'm gonna do a little rant here about underwear do's and don'ts in sets, or maybe just quote Ferlinghetti.
for those few that read these things, thanks for your comments; there are some very sharp minds and remarkable people populating this site... which is truly the reason I hang around