tough week. went to the hospital to watch a man I know breathe his last. was asked to go, even though our relationship was mostly cordial at best... was in the room up to the last 1 hour - left when his son arrived. if you've ever heard that breath, you will never ever forget it, or mortality. not my first passing, but a powerful reminder of our brief stay here nonetheless. did my Egypt/Osiris thing as well, after weeks of prep; that went well - and maybe I'll write some more about that another time. next I have to start my summer astrology class, so that will preoccupy me for a few days at least - still and all, the death, together with my Brother in Law's brother dying and another friend in the hospital in serious condition puts a certain heaviness on things.
i thought there were to many closeups in general on that set, i put all of those of my face cause in a lot of picture my face is just chopped off, or in shadows
good luck with astrology class that seems like fun