done with Bunuel for now, back to Carne and Children of Paradise; an exceptional film if ever there was and even more so considering when it was made (during the German occupation of France (it's French)). Thinking of changing my class drastically now from Upanishads to Plotinus; my best friend is entering school tomorrow and won't hardly be around for like three months or maybe even years, which sucks, am looking at trees to plant around the house and have become addicted to pandorabox radio which is costing me money each time i hear a new group/musician i can't live without. saw the IFC channel special on Indie extreme sex films (darker than Secretary) - it got my hopes up, but was disappointed - I already own all the ones they listed, and can't say many of them were that dark, though i found the Piano Teacher annoying because like this blog it just
So far I like Between Your Legs, but it would be impossible for me to dislike anything with Javier in it because he brings so much to every role he is in.