Many of you know me for being a goofy ass motherfucker that drinks with the best of them and simply loves to be out and about without really worrying about shit that goes on around me. Most of the time I'll be even friendly with strangers that spill their shit on me while at the bar or accidentally bump into me, and even random girls that don't want to talk to strangers.
Lately however, I've come to a stark realization. This city fucking sucks. Hard. In a lot of different ways. I could list all the political reasons as to how corrupt the police is or how the racial divide is blurred in a sense that certain skin tones are forced to go to bars and beg for change instead of having a job and being able to support themselves. The topic that I'd like to address are the numerous motherfuckers that make this city as shitty as it is.
The motherfuckers that I am speaking of are certain asshole bar managers and employees that think they are king shit because they work at a motherfucking bar, giving them the liberty to fuck with people and throw them out at their own candor, even though said people might not be doing shit and actually are paying, long time customers. This hasn't only happened to me, but also to many a friend. Whether it be the hipsters that dress like they are from the sixties and a combination of emo shit, or the people with baggy ass pants. Another thing that bothers me is that certain bar owners think they know what will draw a crowd to their bar, when they are truly nOObs at this shit and won't let certain people that work for them trying to figure shit out of them, because thats what DJs and promoters are paid for. Theres a place in Milwaukee I'll never step foot in ever again if a certain asshole continues to own it.
The second thing that bothers the piss out of me is that certain girls here in Milwaukee think they are 10's when they are more so a four or five. I hate to rank any women, but when ugly chicks start thinking that they are hot shit, it just gets to you. They know they aren't, but they act like assholes anyway, which is superb. Some poor simpleton may fall for their candor and bullshit, but this one won't. Most other cities, where the women are true beauties don't have the problem of even the hot chicks being assholes. Hell, their hot chicks are very cultured and "sophisticated". but with that sophistication doesn't come to brute behavior of a cunt. Basically, the nightlife here sucks, and when it is hoppin', there are shitty people out there that make even the slightest bit of fun, not be fun. I make friends with very few people in the night life scene for that reason. Lots of flakes, lots of fucks, lots of ego maniacs.
This isn't necessarily directed at anyone in particular, but it is my call to you Milwaukee people to wake the fuck up.
Lately however, I've come to a stark realization. This city fucking sucks. Hard. In a lot of different ways. I could list all the political reasons as to how corrupt the police is or how the racial divide is blurred in a sense that certain skin tones are forced to go to bars and beg for change instead of having a job and being able to support themselves. The topic that I'd like to address are the numerous motherfuckers that make this city as shitty as it is.
The motherfuckers that I am speaking of are certain asshole bar managers and employees that think they are king shit because they work at a motherfucking bar, giving them the liberty to fuck with people and throw them out at their own candor, even though said people might not be doing shit and actually are paying, long time customers. This hasn't only happened to me, but also to many a friend. Whether it be the hipsters that dress like they are from the sixties and a combination of emo shit, or the people with baggy ass pants. Another thing that bothers me is that certain bar owners think they know what will draw a crowd to their bar, when they are truly nOObs at this shit and won't let certain people that work for them trying to figure shit out of them, because thats what DJs and promoters are paid for. Theres a place in Milwaukee I'll never step foot in ever again if a certain asshole continues to own it.
The second thing that bothers the piss out of me is that certain girls here in Milwaukee think they are 10's when they are more so a four or five. I hate to rank any women, but when ugly chicks start thinking that they are hot shit, it just gets to you. They know they aren't, but they act like assholes anyway, which is superb. Some poor simpleton may fall for their candor and bullshit, but this one won't. Most other cities, where the women are true beauties don't have the problem of even the hot chicks being assholes. Hell, their hot chicks are very cultured and "sophisticated". but with that sophistication doesn't come to brute behavior of a cunt. Basically, the nightlife here sucks, and when it is hoppin', there are shitty people out there that make even the slightest bit of fun, not be fun. I make friends with very few people in the night life scene for that reason. Lots of flakes, lots of fucks, lots of ego maniacs.
This isn't necessarily directed at anyone in particular, but it is my call to you Milwaukee people to wake the fuck up.
Ouch. I've never been there, but it certainly doesn't sound pleasant given your description. O_o