To the stupid ass bitch that laughed at me and made fun of "Jared Leto's Music":
You are a dumb cunt whose vagina smells worse than the carcasses of ten thousand dead walruses. Not my fault I am friends with the dude. Furthermore, I am not the kind of guy to fly off the handle like this, but your stupidity needs to be pointed out for the world to see. Further issues with Jared Leto, you can direct to Vanessa, the SG. I am sure she will give you a swift kick in the FUPA:
You are a dumb cunt whose vagina smells worse than the carcasses of ten thousand dead walruses. Not my fault I am friends with the dude. Furthermore, I am not the kind of guy to fly off the handle like this, but your stupidity needs to be pointed out for the world to see. Further issues with Jared Leto, you can direct to Vanessa, the SG. I am sure she will give you a swift kick in the FUPA:
vacio: jealous of your colorful language !