today i tried to provide help where needed. it might actually work out.
even though a few big bad things have happened, most of my life has been great. ever the optimist, i seem to be drawn by the one bit of biblical rhetoric which made appealed to me: 'do unto others...'
hopefully my brain remains uneaten, my kidneys unstollen, my identity intact, and my children unabducted by week's end. i had been planning on cooking out this labor day and any of the above would seriously inhibit these plans.
even though a few big bad things have happened, most of my life has been great. ever the optimist, i seem to be drawn by the one bit of biblical rhetoric which made appealed to me: 'do unto others...'
hopefully my brain remains uneaten, my kidneys unstollen, my identity intact, and my children unabducted by week's end. i had been planning on cooking out this labor day and any of the above would seriously inhibit these plans.
plus, pool time this weekend would be out in either case.