Well, we lost power, but not the phones, when we left Prattville, LAST Tuesday, I arrived to find myself without a liveable house. When they turned the power back on, it shorted out my bedroom and caused a fire, so no one can live there now. I'm living at another aunt's house right now, and can't even get on hardly to check my posts and...
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WTF!? Whoa, that's a really sucky situation. Maybe you should move out west where you don't have to deal with stuff.
that's horrible! one big hug for you. a big one. no kidding. i wish you many positive experiences, strokes of good luck, and surprise fortune.
Evacuation plan: Get the fuck out.
I'm gone for the hurricane, heading to my great-aunt's house in Alabama, and not gonna be back until both the power and the phones are as well.
I'm gone for the hurricane, heading to my great-aunt's house in Alabama, and not gonna be back until both the power and the phones are as well.
Dude, what a little F5 hurricane.....sheesh. 

Ok, so some bitch named Arlene fucked up the entire weekend. We leave from Pensacola just after 9am (but I was woke up at like 6...evidently I'm the only one who is able to pack the car.) and take that 150 mile trip to Prattville. Meet up with my aunt, grab some McD's and head out again. Oh, BTW, did I mention that it was...
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give yourself a chance you will rent clockwork orange eventually (better if can see it on screen) ...
Returns are your friend
Returns are your friend

So, this weekend is my first trip to a Powwow. The Echota Cherokee Tribe of Alabama is hosting a powwow this weekend, and I'm GOIN. We FINALLY got our paperwork to fill out today, so hopefully soon I'll be a minority. BEWARE, WHITEY! I'm gonna enjoy this weekend though, there's gonna be music, dancing, food, fun and all that stuff. It's gonna be Friday to...
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i'm just kinda mad i didn't meet jason.
he ran off.
probably to go smoke a blunt.
he didnt offer me one.
i'm just kinda mad i didn't meet jason.
he ran off.
probably to go smoke a blunt.
he didnt offer me one.
What a bummer, huh?

Johnny Carson was a pimp. Rock on Johnny.
I just got a link to Vincent Gallo's film "The Brown Bunny" and had to say something here. Congrats Mr. G, you got Chloe Sevigny to honk your hog on camera by convincing her it's "art." It's not art, it's porn, get over yourself. Has anyone else seen this, or any of his films? They're boring, self-indulgent pieces of monkey flop. The blowjob scene was...
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oh hellllllll yeah that was porn! all they needed to add was some cheesy porn music in the background and it was done! i think Chloe wanted it...she lovvvvvvvvvvvves the cack! i'm sure it didn't take much convincing for her to accept the role with great delight.
randomness of pics
it's just fucking AWFULLL!!!!
I'd like to take this moment to officially say FUCK YOU, AMERICA! I have never been so ashamed to be a member of this country. Instead of taking the well-being of the country, the environment, and your own god-damned interests such as the price of your medication that you're gonna need from the heart attack the gas prices will give you into consideration. Instead of...
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thanks for the good luck wishes
Fuckstick.....hmmm, I've never heard of that word. My vocabulary is growing. I agree with you too. Fucking Fuckstick Ass-tard uncle fuckers! Lets kick their asses.
Ok, I'm finally back, and kicking. No, Ivan didn't kill me, just my phone. Bellsouth gave me back my phone for my birfday.
Hurricanes really piss me off. I hope Ivan just keeps on heading away from me, 'cause if I lose my 'net, I'm going to be less than a happy camper.
My new dog is a fucking psycho, but I love her anyway. She loves to jump on people, and I can't count the number of times she's kicked my right in the nuts in the...
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My new dog is a fucking psycho, but I love her anyway. She loves to jump on people, and I can't count the number of times she's kicked my right in the nuts in the...
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Hey Im starting a LARP group on SG, so PLEASE join when its up!!