Oh happy birthday to me
I can't believe I'm twenty-two years old already, holy crap. It seriously seemed like yesterday that I was a fourteen year old ITCHING for the day I turned eighteen haha.
It's only 30 minutes or so into my birthday and it's already a great one! I just got a sale in my shop, and it's a print that I love, so I'm excited
as I've mentioned here before I'm definitely a total nerd, love shipping things out.
Speaking of Etsy, I think I might start a new shop for these little clay creatures I've been making lately. I would stick them in my current shop, but I want to keep things separate and really give them their own little spotlight! I'm not sure who would want them, but I'll give it a go, why not?
I feel like my life is kind of all over the place right now. I'm freelancing and making some money here and there, but nothing really super substantial. My getting into graduate school, into my program of choice is ENTIRELY dependent on me raising my GRE score because while I did prepare, I could have done a lot more. Suckage.
It's surreal though. For once I am not... looking forward to the next set of responsibilities, and tasks. At this time I'm usually looking forward to starting up classes. But, come the fall I'm not a student anymore unless I get into this program, which basically my entire career in psychology is dependent on AH!
I have had several interviews, and would have been offered the jobs, but my commute would have been more than two hours with commuter traffic and the pay just wasn't worth all the tolls, gas and time spent driving, also the wonky hours and dangerous working conditions ha.
I just WISH I could find a job. I mean I did find a few but they really weren't what I was looking for, and in the end I'm better off freelancing and really working hard to raise my score and get into my program. So anxious about it. I feel kinda like a bum.
I'm just going to take it one step at a time.
I mean, also looking on the positive side... things didn't work out exactly as planned. So, instead of already being locked into something for another four years I kind of have a blank canvas to stare down... and I could technically make something else happen for me until I get into my field.
I could push my freelancing and try to make it more steady, so if anyone out there needs a photographer hit me up!
But yes, happy birthday to me, going to the beach tomorrow with my man, and most definitely sleeping in.

It's only 30 minutes or so into my birthday and it's already a great one! I just got a sale in my shop, and it's a print that I love, so I'm excited

Speaking of Etsy, I think I might start a new shop for these little clay creatures I've been making lately. I would stick them in my current shop, but I want to keep things separate and really give them their own little spotlight! I'm not sure who would want them, but I'll give it a go, why not?
I feel like my life is kind of all over the place right now. I'm freelancing and making some money here and there, but nothing really super substantial. My getting into graduate school, into my program of choice is ENTIRELY dependent on me raising my GRE score because while I did prepare, I could have done a lot more. Suckage.
It's surreal though. For once I am not... looking forward to the next set of responsibilities, and tasks. At this time I'm usually looking forward to starting up classes. But, come the fall I'm not a student anymore unless I get into this program, which basically my entire career in psychology is dependent on AH!
I have had several interviews, and would have been offered the jobs, but my commute would have been more than two hours with commuter traffic and the pay just wasn't worth all the tolls, gas and time spent driving, also the wonky hours and dangerous working conditions ha.
I just WISH I could find a job. I mean I did find a few but they really weren't what I was looking for, and in the end I'm better off freelancing and really working hard to raise my score and get into my program. So anxious about it. I feel kinda like a bum.
I'm just going to take it one step at a time.
I mean, also looking on the positive side... things didn't work out exactly as planned. So, instead of already being locked into something for another four years I kind of have a blank canvas to stare down... and I could technically make something else happen for me until I get into my field.
I could push my freelancing and try to make it more steady, so if anyone out there needs a photographer hit me up!
But yes, happy birthday to me, going to the beach tomorrow with my man, and most definitely sleeping in.
H B-d!