I am so excited, two last finals as an undergraduate student EVER tomorrow. Yeah yeah yeah!
Job search isn't going to well, apparently there are shit jobs available to those with B.A.'s in Psychology. It's all MASTERS 3-5+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ONLY. How the HELL am I supposed to get experience if no one will give me a damn job? Hmm? HMMM?
And god DAMN getting into CUNY John Jay. I have a 3.9, and I consider myself an intelligent human being but I scored so low on my GREs that it's almost scary. Wow, wow, wow. So I hope I get accepted.
For now I will dream of being a SuicideGirl and growing the gonads to actually shoot a set and submit it. In the meantime I'll do lighting tests in my upstairs hallway and look goofy. The spoils:

That is all
for now.
Job search isn't going to well, apparently there are shit jobs available to those with B.A.'s in Psychology. It's all MASTERS 3-5+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ONLY. How the HELL am I supposed to get experience if no one will give me a damn job? Hmm? HMMM?
And god DAMN getting into CUNY John Jay. I have a 3.9, and I consider myself an intelligent human being but I scored so low on my GREs that it's almost scary. Wow, wow, wow. So I hope I get accepted.
For now I will dream of being a SuicideGirl and growing the gonads to actually shoot a set and submit it. In the meantime I'll do lighting tests in my upstairs hallway and look goofy. The spoils:

That is all

Really, it's not too dissimilar from psychology - i.e., my clients are mainly comprised of the stupid and the crazy - but unfortunately I cant really help them with either, I just help them extricate themselves from the consequences that being crazy and stupid so often bring about. Psychologists could maybe address the root cause of these problems. Again, good luck.
That's very true, especially Forensic Psych, I will be working mostly in the judicial system at first. Assessin' and such. You're actually very right! And thanks again for the good luck