well yesterday i made $30 at work. and the weather has cooled off a bit. so things are looking up a little bit. it's no fun though being in a brand new house with no money to buy new shit for it (especially flowers) i figure things will even out within a month. which is'nt to bad. the end is in sight. i got called in to work tonight to cover somebody who i don't know.
i whatched CRASH last night. that movie is fucking amazing. if you have'nt seen it go get it right now. i also whatched EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED. also an amazing film. so if your bored go get those gather some friends and whatch 'em.
what is your favorite movie?
i whatched CRASH last night. that movie is fucking amazing. if you have'nt seen it go get it right now. i also whatched EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED. also an amazing film. so if your bored go get those gather some friends and whatch 'em.
what is your favorite movie?
everything is illuminated. fucking cool movie because it's funny as hell. i downloaded the song "start wearing purple" by gogol bordello.
MAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA is a fucking cool thing to watch. the cinemotographer matched sound with vision or something so it feels as if he captured the energy of things. i've seen the effect in other places. usually in scary movies. it's used a little in the movie "clean," which i watched like two days ago, and liked a lot, i think due a lot to the usage of multiple languages, or maybe cause i hadn't watched anything in a while, or maybe cause i also watched "london" that day and thought it sucked a dick.