My next TWO reads! Gotta get a little taste of King for every year as well. This time, he's teamed up with his long-time - and now late - friend, Peter Straub (RIP).
I've said this elsewhere in the past, but it bears repeating: I can say that I basically own all of Stephen King's books. As a teen, I would read a novel here and a novel there, but they were Norwegian translations. I have long since come up with the principle that any book that's originally written in English, I will read it in English.
So I started collecting all of King's novels, with the intention of reading them all in their original English, which also includes rereading some of the ones I already read as a teen. And for the heck of it, I decided to embark on what I call Project Chronology, where I go through all of King's books in publishing order (thus, I started with Carrie). With only a few exceptions: After reading The Shining, I jumped to Doctor Sleep since it is a sequel; when I arrived at the first novel he published as Richard Bachman, I read the first four as they were included in an omnibus called The Bachman Books; when it was time for the first Dark Tower installment, I read the entire series back to back. And now that I'm gonna start The Talisman, I will read Black House as well.
I don't know too much about these books, other than they seem to deal with parallel universes, and that it's partly connected to The Dark Tower series. (Then again, a lot of King's works overlap one another) It should be a fun ride, and probably not the only time I'm reading some King this year!
🤘🏻 OJTheViking - 2025 🤘🏻