so been a bit since i posted shifts great...sold 1200 friday....thats really great...
anyways i hung out at my freinds had some really good beer :-D mmmm tonight i am going to horror pops with a girl and thinking about useing the line...
"wanna head back to my place watch zombie moves and make out?"
who thinks that will go over well? :-D
then sunday i have a date with some one i am told is 100% lesbian...were going to eat sushi and ride her bike to dinner...ill be sitting bitch in yellow
oh and in a bit today i am going to mesa to see my family and get a hair cut...then its back here to die my hair and shower...i need to go wash my hair out first before i leave there palmade in it and not about to have it cut with that shit in there
anyways i hung out at my freinds had some really good beer :-D mmmm tonight i am going to horror pops with a girl and thinking about useing the line...
"wanna head back to my place watch zombie moves and make out?"
who thinks that will go over well? :-D
then sunday i have a date with some one i am told is 100% lesbian...were going to eat sushi and ride her bike to dinner...ill be sitting bitch in yellow
oh and in a bit today i am going to mesa to see my family and get a hair cut...then its back here to die my hair and shower...i need to go wash my hair out first before i leave there palmade in it and not about to have it cut with that shit in there