While my first my tattoo was WAAAAAYYY... BACK in 1993, I've been more of a tattoo enthusiast since 2003. Getting a couple quality pieces each year has usually been my modus operandi.
But this summer, since Memorial Day, I got work that was all but unplanned around Easter, and now I got coverage from shoulder to shoulder that I've been wanting to get for ages.
In March, as seen above, I saw my first sun in months, open real estate to spare. By Labor Day, I filled in some blanks.
Using the 1986 comic book series "Who's Who in the DC Universe" and the cover art of George Perez, I found three great characters that fit the surface area and popped them out over three one-and-done sessions.
From left to right, Plastique, Phantom Girl (both by Jacob Kearney of Metamorph Studios) and Black Orchid (Jen Munford, Name Brand in Ann Arbor, Michigan).
Pretty much had no idea that any of this was getting done 7 months ago, and I think it turned out okay. :)