If y'all have been asking yourself just where I've disappeared to these past couple of months, the answer lies here:
5min Lands $5 Million
5min Raises $5 Million from Spark
That's right, boys and girls! A while back I got fed up with working for fascists who just up and took the fun outta porn, and I handed in my letter of resignation. Trying to quit Porn Central was a bit like trying to get out of a street gang - they were real hard-asses about letting me walk away. Just the process of bringing back my take-home computer and giving them back my employee card was a hassle that gobbled up an entire day.
The line that kept echoing in my head as I patiently waited for the legal honchos to sign my exit papers was, "Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in."
So after a month of relaxed unemployment and my first ever venture down to the golden sands of Sinai (and a scary bout with the Egyptian police concerning the hashish we were apparently smoking right in front of them), I was stoked to get back to work.
This was really a hell of a time to be unemployed in the internet and hi-tech field in Israel. Since we are most likely granted a couple of more years before the next bubble explodes, Israel seems to once more be coming alive with many interesting start-ups, and the hi-tech headhunters haven't a moment to rest.
Before you could spit out the words "unemployment line", I was already approached by no less than 6 different companies, most of them related to social media. The seventh company that got in touch with me was in the porn field, only this time dishing out mobile content. They pay offers were astoundingly generous - not at all like what you'd have seen here about two-three years ago. Of course, the porn moguls still made a remarkably higher pay pitch compared to the rest of the bunch, but after some deep reflecting and soul-searching, I decided that I need to take a break from this field and maybe find myself elsewhere.
Above all, and I am not trying to come off as the least bit cynical in saying this, I came to the conclusion that while I am by all means a capitalist consumewhore, after working under fucking management Nazis, I value a good work atmosphere a little bit more than the money.
This is when 5min came into the picture. I can't even describe just how great the founders were when I met them, but it was obviously enough to convince me to throw everything else to hell and come work with them. I must say, I haven't looked back since, except to realize that I am now living the very anti-thesis of my former place of employment.
From a company of 200 or so, I am now at a start-up with 9 other people. I have fun every single day, and find myself smiling for no reason whenever wrapping up my day at 5min HQ. I would like to believe that part of what led to us landing the sweet investment mentioned above has to do not only with our awesome site, but also with the work dynamic we've built.
The company is moving to NYC, meaning suddenly my stay in Israel may be shortened after this summer.
In any case - just wanted to share my exciting news...You're all welcome to check us out at: 5min - Life Videopedia
Oh...and happy 2008, kittens!

5min Lands $5 Million
5min Raises $5 Million from Spark
That's right, boys and girls! A while back I got fed up with working for fascists who just up and took the fun outta porn, and I handed in my letter of resignation. Trying to quit Porn Central was a bit like trying to get out of a street gang - they were real hard-asses about letting me walk away. Just the process of bringing back my take-home computer and giving them back my employee card was a hassle that gobbled up an entire day.
The line that kept echoing in my head as I patiently waited for the legal honchos to sign my exit papers was, "Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in."
So after a month of relaxed unemployment and my first ever venture down to the golden sands of Sinai (and a scary bout with the Egyptian police concerning the hashish we were apparently smoking right in front of them), I was stoked to get back to work.
This was really a hell of a time to be unemployed in the internet and hi-tech field in Israel. Since we are most likely granted a couple of more years before the next bubble explodes, Israel seems to once more be coming alive with many interesting start-ups, and the hi-tech headhunters haven't a moment to rest.
Before you could spit out the words "unemployment line", I was already approached by no less than 6 different companies, most of them related to social media. The seventh company that got in touch with me was in the porn field, only this time dishing out mobile content. They pay offers were astoundingly generous - not at all like what you'd have seen here about two-three years ago. Of course, the porn moguls still made a remarkably higher pay pitch compared to the rest of the bunch, but after some deep reflecting and soul-searching, I decided that I need to take a break from this field and maybe find myself elsewhere.
Above all, and I am not trying to come off as the least bit cynical in saying this, I came to the conclusion that while I am by all means a capitalist consumewhore, after working under fucking management Nazis, I value a good work atmosphere a little bit more than the money.
This is when 5min came into the picture. I can't even describe just how great the founders were when I met them, but it was obviously enough to convince me to throw everything else to hell and come work with them. I must say, I haven't looked back since, except to realize that I am now living the very anti-thesis of my former place of employment.
From a company of 200 or so, I am now at a start-up with 9 other people. I have fun every single day, and find myself smiling for no reason whenever wrapping up my day at 5min HQ. I would like to believe that part of what led to us landing the sweet investment mentioned above has to do not only with our awesome site, but also with the work dynamic we've built.
The company is moving to NYC, meaning suddenly my stay in Israel may be shortened after this summer.
In any case - just wanted to share my exciting news...You're all welcome to check us out at: 5min - Life Videopedia
Oh...and happy 2008, kittens!

I brought him to work with me here in the content dept.