today was a shitty day, while i help customers with there pissy phones, asking stupid fuking questions like, how do you unlock phones, i said to one lady there is a lock smith 3 shops up, and off she went, 5 minutes later my manager pulls me aside and tells me not to do that again, as we both went out the back and cracked up laughing.
some people have no idea, and as long as i work for vodafone they never will.
it hit the 30's today and i didnt see it, stuck in westfields bondi all day yeh for me, it was ok moved preeeetttyyyy fast and then it happened i get that one customer who you know is bullshitting you and you sit there and listen anyway, this lady must of been high class hooker, or something, and she wanted a V3black and wanted it on insurance claim, so i was ok let me check with insurance, but she was like i already have, anyway agter an hour and a half of her rubbish story, it becomes clear that she is not getting the phone so she can fuck off, and we closed after hours cause of her.......cunt.....
that was my day, now my mate is comming over to play playstation, and get drunk, then ill get him to tattoo me, hehehe.
some people have no idea, and as long as i work for vodafone they never will.
it hit the 30's today and i didnt see it, stuck in westfields bondi all day yeh for me, it was ok moved preeeetttyyyy fast and then it happened i get that one customer who you know is bullshitting you and you sit there and listen anyway, this lady must of been high class hooker, or something, and she wanted a V3black and wanted it on insurance claim, so i was ok let me check with insurance, but she was like i already have, anyway agter an hour and a half of her rubbish story, it becomes clear that she is not getting the phone so she can fuck off, and we closed after hours cause of her.......cunt.....
that was my day, now my mate is comming over to play playstation, and get drunk, then ill get him to tattoo me, hehehe.
thank you