Sign Cancer birth number 22 You may need to balance your ambition and desire to achieve with your tendency toward inertia. you have good business sense with the power to make money you should avoid unfounded fear of not having enough funds. you are quite independent but you work well in cooperation with others. you are lucky with the knack of making contacts which will help you secure your future. resolute and determined you can regenerate yourself with sheer willpower. you are a natural perfectionist and you are usually willing to work very hard to achieve your objectives. Love and relationships: charm can be one of your greatest assets. with your fondness for the dramatic your love is not likely to dull. your passions need expression. avoid becoming too emotional tho or manipulative in order to secure long term relatoionships. you can be loyal and caring when settled. Soul mates: Jan6, feb4, 23,mar2, 21, apr19, may17, june15, july13, aug11, sept9, nov7, dec5

@onyxheart truly is freaky i see myself in pretty much everything written, not even kidding!