The idea of watcing exes on various social networking sites kind of repulses me - mostly because I'm guilty of it. It's the modern day equivelant of the late night drive by. Allthough somewhat creepier.
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Sunday Apr 04, 2010
I have opened a flood gate that I cannot shut... I've had these idea… -
Saturday Apr 03, 2010
OMFG! I cannot get this girl out of my head. It is decidedly inconv… -
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
We met - we talked - we're both in the exact same boat. Imagine that… -
Friday Mar 26, 2010
Seriously, why am I such a fucking glutton for punishment?! Why do I… -
Tuesday Mar 16, 2010
I find that my mind is cruel to me. During spring cleaning I came ac… -
Monday Mar 08, 2010
I fucking love Magic Hat #9. It's definitly in my top 5 beers. I am… -
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Holy fucking shit is it fucking almost February already! Fuck! I re… -
Wednesday Nov 18, 2009
My thoughts: I love how everyone is sitting around waiting for every… -
Sunday Sep 13, 2009
Lame. Everything is lame right now. The economy is lame. Republica… -
Sunday Aug 16, 2009
The idea of watcing exes on various social networking sites kind of r…