it's christmas, and i just saw that Robin (the SG) has visited Japan. i'm so jealous. the best i can do is make pen pals, learn the language, and watch anime. damn it. screw rich people.
You are also hideously beautiful.
I think I would heart you too, unless you were an ass, but you wouldn't be an ass to me... right little pretty pretty boi?
I am officially taking Charlotte off of my 'favorite girls' list. It's because she doesn't talk to me when i IM her, and because i am officially in love with Elara. haha. just kidding about the love thing, but she's just so she posed with a guitar, which is grrrrreat. in other news, i am going to try to stick with this thing i... Read More
that's really good to hear. it would have totally messed with my whole concept of how the world should work if she had been sick. and i can only imagine the relief she must have felt. rock.
I hate getting up for school. i like being there, i enjoy *most* of the people, but i just hate waking up for things. they need to allow more than just three favorites, cause i have more than just three. and they should change it all just for me. they being the powers that be.
relationships bother me. you meet, you date, you like...then you... Read More