wednesday night I hit up webster hall a with a couple of friends,I didnt really wanna go to a club cuz thats not my thing but I wasnt gonna kill the night even though I ended up making the night when I got drunk.
<that was me on my way home
thanksgiven was great. My grand mother came to visit from Puerto Rico so thanksgiven dinner was amazing. but she left satuday
I almost got my hand webing peirced on friday but I did a little research and that wouldnt have been a good Idea. I handle alot of boxes at work and use my hands alot.
But I hope everyone had a great thanksgiven

thanksgiven was great. My grand mother came to visit from Puerto Rico so thanksgiven dinner was amazing. but she left satuday

I almost got my hand webing peirced on friday but I did a little research and that wouldnt have been a good Idea. I handle alot of boxes at work and use my hands alot.
But I hope everyone had a great thanksgiven