We've finally got some summer weather up here in Michigan. Its about time! I loooove hot and humid weather like no other. I don't care if most people don't like it - the swampier the better! I'm probably destined to live in the south, where I can learn to hate it.
A couple weeks ago I brewed some beer with a friend.... Read More
26 days until I'm in Valencia, I can't fucking wait to be out there! Is anyone else on this site going to CalArts?
It's getting to the point where I'm overly excited because there are about 1,000 and a half reasons why I want to be out there, and one of them is to meet the LA SG community.
Okay, I'm a live. For now at least. After a few visits to the doctor it turns out the heart issue isn't as big of a deal as I thought. Whew!
I have a month until I'm off to California!! I'm so fucking excited I might just piss my pants when I get out there because I won't know what to do with myself. All... Read More
and cruel fate had arranged for model and photographer to be alcohol poisoned on the same weekend so that no progress can be made! we have conquered those demons and the set has been submitted! fwaaaahahahaha!
I guess my heart is too big for my own good, and even though I wish that was a cheesy metaphor, it is not.
I got piss drunk on tequila two night ago and blacked out. After the black out this is what I was able to piece together from a handful of people:
- Went to a party
- Sat down because I was... Read More
Everything is alright over here. Thanks for checking up on me!
Wow, that's one crazy chain of events. Crossing my fingers that your health issues aren't serious. Take care of yourself! If there's anything I can do just say the word!
Yeah, I'm super lucky! I hate missing people, it makes me so anxious! BUT HEY! At least I got a good thing going for me! Your photos are great, FUCK mosquitoes! They always eat me up and leave me all bumpy and sad/itchy!
Full moon? I can handle that - In fact I prefer it.
I love those moments where everything falls into place. Not so much fate (although sometimes I'm a believer), but more like the options are laid out in front of you and you choose which ones and you pick which paths you want to follow.
Today I saw a sparrow trying to catch a little yellow butterfly. It was one of the small things that happens that you can't help but smile at. I took a deep breath and kept on my way.
I love the field I'm in. I'll never get enough of working on productions. Its a non-stop party!
Although my current job is being a facebook whore.... Read More