You ever pick the wrong person to make out with? It happens to me way too often. I'll get it right sometime soon.
I'm going to start shooting soon. I plan on having a film/video/still camera in my hands 24/7 from here on out. If you feel like you need to be in front of a camera, I need you.
=)thanks for checking it out, i met misha at calarts although she never came here, at my first salsa gig freshman year. we are havig our first salsa gig tomorrow night at tatum with the rest of the bands you should come!! (hopefull i wont be too dead cause im sick like the rest of the school!) maybe puppy will be there x0x0x0x0x
Cha-ching. Tomorrow is payday. I can't wait to blow it all on booze. I don't need any nutrition.
I'm still not used to this limiting heart condition crap. I told the head of my department I'd help her move her husbands studio around - forgetting I can't lift over 50lbs ... Okay so I didn't forget, I just wanted to forget.
One of my friends... Read More
Your team is on now by the way, if you get Versus.
Kay could be right too. It wouldn't hurt to get a 2nd opinion. Although, if your first opinion was at U of M Hospital it doesn't really get much better than that.
I had an epic weekend and really couldn't ask for more.
Friday I got wasted with the new roommates and I LOVE them. Soooooo much. I live with 5 of the coolest people who have a lot in common with me - one of them being the love for drinking. After getting bombed at a bar we came back, played drunk scrabble, gave up on... Read More
I had a tarot card reading done by my roommate the other day, against my best wishes. I'm a Scorpio, and an avid believer in the idea the stars have a large role in our lives, personalities, etc. The idea of having a reading done was NOT appealing - I like to hide my demons and not face... Read More
Holy Crap. I've only been in California for a week, and I'm completely enamored by the whole ordeal. It feels like I've been here for a few months, but in the best possible way.
The people are CalArts are wild! They've created this amazing environment where people can do pretty much whatever they feel like doing, all in order to create the best possible work... Read More
I'm in California! Holla! This long love affair has just started. Bye bye Midwest
After a quick tour of the Hollywood area I've finally made it up to my school CalArts in Valencia. My roommates are the shit, and the school seems like its going to be a fucking blast. We'll see how it goes.
I don't have internet in my suite just yet so... Read More
Oh, sorry I didn't read your blog when I commented. I didn't realize you were new to the area. I really don't know much about the location. I was going to school in Hollywood at the time so my days consisted of waking up around 5am to get ready and get to school on time, to stay in class and then lab until usually 5 or 6, getting home after 7, showering, eating, and going back to bed to be up by 5 the next day. Then on weekends I went home to North Orange County, the Anaheim area (if you're familiar with that). Do you have a car? If you ever feel like making it down here I'd be down to hang out. Maybe some time I can come up there. My schedules much more lenient now. I just drove up to Valencia last Saturday.
Ohh yes, I like sex. But really if you're on this site and you don't - you're in the wrong place.
The ex came to town, and of course I had to capitalize on the occasion. Can you blame me?
I'm starting to pack my shit up to make the move out to California, and of course like every time I move, I realize I... Read More
I'm planning on heading that way after I graduate, though I will probably land in SF. I have plenty of Friends to visit in LA, so I'm sure I'll make my way there as soon as I get to the west coast. I am definitely driving out from the east.
Best of luck in your travels and achool etc. Can't wait to see the set you shot go live!
In a week I'll be packing up everything I own and flying out to California. Why the fuck not?
I'm so excited as to what California has in store for me! I'll be attending CalArts to get my MFA (yeah thats right, I'm an art student bitches!) But thats only a side project really, because what I'll really be doing is going completely apeshit. I've... Read More
Indoor is really really addictive. My buddy Mike who you met at the game was skeptical at first, but we finally got him to come out and play and now he's hooked and he hadn't played since he was 5!
You should see if you can find an indoor league out in Cali, I'm sure there are tons (perhaps even on outdoor fields). It's a blast, great way to meet people and stay in shape.
Let me know when you head back here for Winter Break, we'll be playing then and you'll be more than welcome to play on our team.
In the most random wave of events I recently found out I have a major health issue. I'm not sickly, and I don't have a thousand things wrong with me, just one single part that could tear me down in a second. Up to this point I've been one of... Read More
hahaha, pretty much man. The one night we have a ton of new people there all hell breaks loose.
I'm really glad you could come out you really helped us out.
Thursday we'll be playing a better team (it's in the 2nd highest league out of the 4, the low league was tonight), and I think we'll have less people so we'll all get more playing time.
I had no idea our goalkeeper was going to bring five people, we figured he wasn't going to show up so it was a bit crowded, although it worked out perfectly, since a lot of people don't play all the time so we could all switch out to stay fresh.
Thursday is at 630. That one will definitely be on as we had a head count tonight and we'll have enough to play for sure.
I didn't know you shoot sets for the site. Very cool dude.