I'm 100% desperate for income. I'm within inches of receiving a paycheck but damn, I need it now. Because:
A) I have to pay for grad school in California next Fall
B) Booze isn't free
C) Gas REALLY isn't free
D) I like to buy other shiny things
Lets see, do I lead an interesting life? No - but here are some pictures
Detroit Electronic Music Festival Stuff


Cliche trippy picture at DEMF

You probably didn't need to see this, because I know I didn't

1/1600th of this bubbles short life and now it lives on my hard drive
A) I have to pay for grad school in California next Fall
B) Booze isn't free
C) Gas REALLY isn't free
D) I like to buy other shiny things
Lets see, do I lead an interesting life? No - but here are some pictures
Detroit Electronic Music Festival Stuff


Cliche trippy picture at DEMF

You probably didn't need to see this, because I know I didn't

1/1600th of this bubbles short life and now it lives on my hard drive