Plane, Train, Automobile, in that order tomorrow.
I'm going back to Michigan tomorrow! Only for a few days, but I need a break from life in Boston. March has been a turbulent month, and it isn't calling it quits yet because its only the Ides of March! (watch your back)
More crazy life changing news came yesterday when I got accepted into the CalArts Film/Video MFA program. I'm not too shocked that I got into a school, I applied to seven MFA programs, but so far its the only one I've got any news from. However simply applying and actually realizing that I can go there are two very different things. If I don't hear back from any other school, I'll be living in Valencia, California. Definitely NOT the MIdwest.
So a few days in MIchigan and then I'm driving back to Boston. BUT! I stop in Toronto to spend a few days hanging out with Niello. Toronto better watch out, who know what we've got up our sleeve. Hopefully I'll remember to be a shutterbug this week so I can chronicle this adventure.
I'm going back to Michigan tomorrow! Only for a few days, but I need a break from life in Boston. March has been a turbulent month, and it isn't calling it quits yet because its only the Ides of March! (watch your back)

More crazy life changing news came yesterday when I got accepted into the CalArts Film/Video MFA program. I'm not too shocked that I got into a school, I applied to seven MFA programs, but so far its the only one I've got any news from. However simply applying and actually realizing that I can go there are two very different things. If I don't hear back from any other school, I'll be living in Valencia, California. Definitely NOT the MIdwest.
So a few days in MIchigan and then I'm driving back to Boston. BUT! I stop in Toronto to spend a few days hanging out with Niello. Toronto better watch out, who know what we've got up our sleeve. Hopefully I'll remember to be a shutterbug this week so I can chronicle this adventure.
Enjoy your vacation.