Have you ever noticed that it takes way longer to clean up than it did to actually make the mess? That sucks even more because making a mess is always more fun. 
I've joined a gym recently because there is only so much you can do in the internet before going stir crazy. Exercising takes wayy more time than I thought it would, and I'm not sure if its worth it. I'm already skinny, and I don't want huge muscles.
Its the YMCA in Boston, and a lot of really creepy dudes hang out there. It's funny to hear them talking about which porn channel they subscribe to - as long as they are more than 15 feet away from me.
Anyway - My tongue is longer than yours
Also I have now re-kindled my love for stir-fry. Its soooo good

I've joined a gym recently because there is only so much you can do in the internet before going stir crazy. Exercising takes wayy more time than I thought it would, and I'm not sure if its worth it. I'm already skinny, and I don't want huge muscles.
Its the YMCA in Boston, and a lot of really creepy dudes hang out there. It's funny to hear them talking about which porn channel they subscribe to - as long as they are more than 15 feet away from me.
Anyway - My tongue is longer than yours
Also I have now re-kindled my love for stir-fry. Its soooo good
And stir fry is always good, I'm just usually too lazy to chop all of the veggies properly.