Its only three days into the New Year and I'm not sensing a very good year. How's that for pessimism?
I've been at home for the holidays wayyy too long. Two and a half weeks and it feels like its be three months. My family is killing me! It doesn't help that I don't have a car to get anywhere.
I got the box set of the Twilight Zone Season One, and its all thats keeping me from killing someone right now. I need to get outta town ASAP!
I'm almost done with Grad School Applications! The more I talk about it the more I want to go to University of B.C. in Vancouver. Getting out of the States sounds like it would be a lot more fun.
Its only three days into the New Year and I'm not sensing a very good year. How's that for pessimism?
I've been at home for the holidays wayyy too long. Two and a half weeks and it feels like its be three months. My family is killing me! It doesn't help that I don't have a car to get anywhere.
I got the box set of the Twilight Zone Season One, and its all thats keeping me from killing someone right now. I need to get outta town ASAP!
I'm almost done with Grad School Applications! The more I talk about it the more I want to go to University of B.C. in Vancouver. Getting out of the States sounds like it would be a lot more fun.
Are you going to University of British Columbia in Vancouver instead of Boston?
you too yes it has been so far...all 4 days