My throat has been killing me! Dang!
Going back to MIchigan for 'Thanksgiving.' Seeing family will be nice, but I'm dreading spending time with the girls family. Ugh, they are so f*cking annoying. LIke, stereotypical loud arguing family who doesn't really have any problems so they make huge deals out of little things. Imma smack someone.
I already have to drive back with her and her obnoxious brother. That is going to be a looong 13 hours.
Its raining here and I wish it was snowing
Going back to MIchigan for 'Thanksgiving.' Seeing family will be nice, but I'm dreading spending time with the girls family. Ugh, they are so f*cking annoying. LIke, stereotypical loud arguing family who doesn't really have any problems so they make huge deals out of little things. Imma smack someone.
I already have to drive back with her and her obnoxious brother. That is going to be a looong 13 hours.
Its raining here and I wish it was snowing

Ugh that is no fun at thankful ur family isnt like that 

hah yeah for sure!! Damn Roy trading off!