Because I'm being majorly anal retentive about how messy this post looks and I also:
If you live in MIchigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, or Kentucky - Fill this shit out!!
vitaminenergy giveaway
We're giving away a vitaminenergy bike, solar-powered backback, $150 gas card and years supply of the drinks - Dooooo it
And if you need free vitamin stuff, let me knoww
The best thing about have a job it when shit goes wrong, you can afford to fix it. Driving home from Detroit the other day I had a blow out on Davidson hwy. A great place to have a blow out - just my luck. It was the quickest I've ever changed one, thats for damn sure.
The funny thing is - when you are getting paychecks, stuff that needs to be fixed is always cheaper than when you're broke.
When I was getting my tires fixed today I walked into a book store and picked up a book about buildings that used to be something that have now fallen into disrepair - More than half the book was Detroit which is no surprise
Brush Park - Used to be Mansions, now a ghost town
Packard Plant
But the one I really want to break into is The Chin Tiki
I'm watching Basic Instinct - wasn't expecting the intro
yay! Thanks buddy!