That was a pretty good weekend . . .
Dally in the Alley is a blast. I seriously picked the wrong weekend to move back to Ann Arbor. I just wanted to get bombed
Its basically the best block party ever. I saw so many fabulous people, and at every turn there was a beer tent selling Motor City Brewing Co Beer. There was even this little speakeasy next to my friends apartment. Gotta love illegal liquor sales. Then there was the making out in the streets - oh dang.
If only that could happen every weekend.
Then on Sunday Ralph Nader came to Wayne State's campus with his running mate Matt Gonzalez, and as campus coordinator I had to run around and practically manage the thing.

Nader, my brother, me, and Matt Gonzalez
I have a ridiculous look on my face that needs to be wiped off.
[EDIT] Holy shit my boss just quit - ignore the next comment
My boss sucks, i can't wait till this job is up. I need to stock up on vitaminwater while I still can. Anyone need any?
I did get a pack of free CD's from a promotion we did and I heard this song from Sia today. Pretty Cute, shes great:

ta da
Dally in the Alley is a blast. I seriously picked the wrong weekend to move back to Ann Arbor. I just wanted to get bombed
Its basically the best block party ever. I saw so many fabulous people, and at every turn there was a beer tent selling Motor City Brewing Co Beer. There was even this little speakeasy next to my friends apartment. Gotta love illegal liquor sales. Then there was the making out in the streets - oh dang.
If only that could happen every weekend.
Then on Sunday Ralph Nader came to Wayne State's campus with his running mate Matt Gonzalez, and as campus coordinator I had to run around and practically manage the thing.

Nader, my brother, me, and Matt Gonzalez
I have a ridiculous look on my face that needs to be wiped off.
[EDIT] Holy shit my boss just quit - ignore the next comment
My boss sucks, i can't wait till this job is up. I need to stock up on vitaminwater while I still can. Anyone need any?
I did get a pack of free CD's from a promotion we did and I heard this song from Sia today. Pretty Cute, shes great:

ta da
thanks dear

I NEVER miss the winters, I'm not a huge fan of the cold!!