Its registering 1000 degrees in my apartment right now. My lava lamp doesn't even need to be turned on to boil over. Blech
I don't know how I'm going to get through the summer.
Last night at Alvin's was great. Annisa let me slang my vitaminenergy to SGs, the bar, and the bands which was awesome. That was my first time seeing/hearing The Geppetto Files and the Amino Acids and it was awesome. The Geppetto Files are some crazy shit. If I wasn't so tired from hauling stuff all over Detroit yesterday I could have actually have the energy to meet some people. Vivid was hilarious.
I taped a wedding tonight and left wondering why people do such cheesy shit like have those ceremonies. Nasty

Last night at Alvin's was great. Annisa let me slang my vitaminenergy to SGs, the bar, and the bands which was awesome. That was my first time seeing/hearing The Geppetto Files and the Amino Acids and it was awesome. The Geppetto Files are some crazy shit. If I wasn't so tired from hauling stuff all over Detroit yesterday I could have actually have the energy to meet some people. Vivid was hilarious.
I taped a wedding tonight and left wondering why people do such cheesy shit like have those ceremonies. Nasty

I'm going to Alaska for a trip...I will be back...maybe even to a SG Detroit night...who knows!
And yes, Vivid is the extreme, times ten.