not too much to update on today... sunday i helped josh (one of the tattooers from my work) knock down a shed in his yard, i prolly swung a sledge hammer a good 200 or so times in the course of an hour and then did a little bit of work to my car.... its so fucking close to being able to drive again and at least have all the little things i want to have done on it finished, just have to finish the grille, paint it, and wire up the gauges and finish the lights... work has been pretty good lately especially for this time of year, which is really good since i really didnt save up any money for this winter and am pretty much living day to day. i spent my entire day yesterday working out all of the kinks in my zombie killing robot in preparation for the zombie apocolypse that will inevittably happen some time in 2007. my robots will be for sale on ebay no later than january, so pre order it now before hordes of brain eating undead motherfuckers start trying to break down the door to your house. haha
update your journal, cause when i leave comments.....i seem like a stalker! unless your into that kind of thing just like the toe sucking. mmmm...toes....bahaha
I SAID....when are we hanging out, man?????