What's the deal, planet earth? Am I asking for too much? All I want is a girl between 24-32 yrs old, 5'0" - 5'8" tall, brunette, lots of ink, a septum piercing, a cute voice/accent, likes to drink, likes to smoke weed, likes to play video games, likes to watch cartoons as well as deeply philosophical film, likes to nail, is creative, can make me laugh, laughs when I try to make her, is a little twisted but not to the point where I have to wonder if she'll one day stab me in the throat while I'm sleeping (been there), wants children but doesn't necessarily want to get married, will dress up like Faye Valentine on my birthday, listens when I talk without cutting me off, isn't a bitch but can be a sarcastic bitch when the time calls for it, likes (at least SOME of) the same music I like, doesn't judge people until she's sure they aren't worth her time, HAS A FUCKING BRAIN IN HER HEAD, isn't too too girlie but enjoys girlie things, will agree when spontaneous shit like going on a picnic or taking a ride in a balloon pops into my head, likes to go camping and hiking, will go with me to ComiCon if I ask her and will actually be excited about it, won't give me shit if I want to do something with my friends instead of her once in a while, and will think I am just as amazing as she would be with all these qualities. Am I being unreasonable? Do women like that exist or am I chasing a fucking pipe dream? Help me out SGLand.
we exist alright, we just get snagged up really quick 

blue hair chicks can apply?? haha