Another day spent working at home in the afternoon. Hooray!
Let me be a little girly for a minute. I got flowers from a friend today.
I had a Facebook status up last week about how I wished the flower delivery man at the office was there for me. Well, he came to my house today instead.
It was the first time in a long time that someone other than my mom or dad sent me flowers. I am not the kind of girl that people buy flowers for. I feel like once people get to know me and they realize I love football, am the world's messiest eater, and only do laundry once a month (yes, I own enough underwear so that I don't HAVE to...don't want everyone thinking I'm running around in dirty clothes...but still...) they automatically say "Oh, she's not the kind of girl who would like getting flowers." Wrong. Guys - if you think this about your girlfriend or female are wrong. Unless they're severely allergic. Which I am not. So, YAY for having my day brightened!
It meant a lot to me and I kind of needed it.
I am not going to class tonight. I am tired and I need a break. So, instead I am going to make some of my favorite comfort food tonight - my Grandma's chicken and dumplings. Oh, so good. I don't think I have made them since it was still cold out, so it's been atleast a few months. I also decided that I am baking a chocolate cake.
I want to go to the Dublin Irish Fest this weekend. I know that some of you want to go too, so just let me know which day and I would love to join you.
I am rapidly approaching 48 hours without food. My stomach started feeling like there were razor blades in it on Sunday (thank you either Katzinger's Deli or Papa Johns for poisoning me), but I am finally starting to feel better. So, dinner tonight will probably be the most delicious thing I have ever had.
Yes, I am still hurting...I don't really think that will completely go away anytime soon. But, I have spent some awesome time with friends lately and had some really kind things done for I am finally atleast able to feel hopeful that I won't hurt forever. I love fast and I love hard, meaning that when things come to an end, regardless of whether it's a significant other or a friendship, I get hurt badly. I have thought about trying to toughen myself up...trying to hold back, but in my mind, it's not worth it. I want to feel what I feel for someone. For me, the hurt is always made better by being able to give to others, spending time with friends, and finding new fun.
I haven't talked much about it...but I will be taking a road trip August 5-9. Where am I going? Well...Jersey, I think...Maryland, crab cakes...mmmmm...and maybe a Carolina? Who knows. I haven't done an ounce of planning for this trip outside of buying more sunscreen and digging out my suitcase. Sometimes it's just better to fly by the seat of your pants.
Hope everyone is doing well.

Let me be a little girly for a minute. I got flowers from a friend today.

I am not going to class tonight. I am tired and I need a break. So, instead I am going to make some of my favorite comfort food tonight - my Grandma's chicken and dumplings. Oh, so good. I don't think I have made them since it was still cold out, so it's been atleast a few months. I also decided that I am baking a chocolate cake.
I want to go to the Dublin Irish Fest this weekend. I know that some of you want to go too, so just let me know which day and I would love to join you.

I am rapidly approaching 48 hours without food. My stomach started feeling like there were razor blades in it on Sunday (thank you either Katzinger's Deli or Papa Johns for poisoning me), but I am finally starting to feel better. So, dinner tonight will probably be the most delicious thing I have ever had.
Yes, I am still hurting...I don't really think that will completely go away anytime soon. But, I have spent some awesome time with friends lately and had some really kind things done for I am finally atleast able to feel hopeful that I won't hurt forever. I love fast and I love hard, meaning that when things come to an end, regardless of whether it's a significant other or a friendship, I get hurt badly. I have thought about trying to toughen myself up...trying to hold back, but in my mind, it's not worth it. I want to feel what I feel for someone. For me, the hurt is always made better by being able to give to others, spending time with friends, and finding new fun.
I haven't talked much about it...but I will be taking a road trip August 5-9. Where am I going? Well...Jersey, I think...Maryland, crab cakes...mmmmm...and maybe a Carolina? Who knows. I haven't done an ounce of planning for this trip outside of buying more sunscreen and digging out my suitcase. Sometimes it's just better to fly by the seat of your pants.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Flowers rock but palm trees are cooler.
Thanks for the kind words...I've decided that by this time next year it's fight or flight time for me...if I'm not doing something that I really want to do, I'm picking up everything, taking every cent I have in the bank and moving out west. I've always wanted to live in California or Las Vegas, so I'm just going to pick up and go!