Ash is home sick from work for the second day in a row.
I have an infection of the oil producing gland that is in my eyelid. Which means that I currently look like a pirate ogre with a swollen, lopsided eye. It started itching on Sunday and came to a head this morning when I had to go to the doctor. They lanced it for me, gave me antibiotic drops and sent me on my way. Now if only I had an eye-patch, all would be right in the world. Arrrrr mateys!
Everyone always asks me how my older kitty (he's 8) gets along with the new puppy. I believe this will answer that question:
They are actually really good buddies and spend the day doing things that make me go "AWWWWWW!!!!...."
Dustin and I have had an awesome past couple weeks. I don't know what I did, but last week he got home from work one day, sat down on the bed, and just said "I know I don't tell you enough...I used to tell you all the time, but you are my favorite person...the best thing to ever happen to are amazing in so many ways and I love you." Then he heaved this cute little embarrassed guy sigh and opened his arms for me to come hug him. So sweet.
I got to have a delicious lunch with some friends on Sunday. It's always good to see my friends. Plus, my fortune cookie said "Your virtues are a priceless treasure." That fortune allowed me to bounce around all day on Sunday saying "Seeeeee? My fortune cookie says I am a priceless treasure!" It's really the small things in life that amuse me.
I went nuts yesterday and made an oreo chocolate cheesecake. It made me think of when I was little. Anytime we'd feed my grandpa something chocolatey, he'd taste it, smack his lips a bit, then say "'s too rich..." I am used to making slightly less rich cheesecakes. I had 3 bites of this one and I had more than fulfilled my chocolate craving. Anyone want some cheesecake?

Everyone always asks me how my older kitty (he's 8) gets along with the new puppy. I believe this will answer that question:

They are actually really good buddies and spend the day doing things that make me go "AWWWWWW!!!!...."
Dustin and I have had an awesome past couple weeks. I don't know what I did, but last week he got home from work one day, sat down on the bed, and just said "I know I don't tell you enough...I used to tell you all the time, but you are my favorite person...the best thing to ever happen to are amazing in so many ways and I love you." Then he heaved this cute little embarrassed guy sigh and opened his arms for me to come hug him. So sweet.
I got to have a delicious lunch with some friends on Sunday. It's always good to see my friends. Plus, my fortune cookie said "Your virtues are a priceless treasure." That fortune allowed me to bounce around all day on Sunday saying "Seeeeee? My fortune cookie says I am a priceless treasure!" It's really the small things in life that amuse me.
I went nuts yesterday and made an oreo chocolate cheesecake. It made me think of when I was little. Anytime we'd feed my grandpa something chocolatey, he'd taste it, smack his lips a bit, then say "'s too rich..." I am used to making slightly less rich cheesecakes. I had 3 bites of this one and I had more than fulfilled my chocolate craving. Anyone want some cheesecake?

I'm sorry about your eye.. that doesn't sound fun at all.. and you know sometimes I find myself hungry after reading your
omg it was bad. he was stoned out of his fucking mind.