Just for fun, I had a dream that all of you can read about and tell me what you think it means because it was just so fucked up that I still remember it...
So, I am in an old farmhouse...very similar to the one I grew up in, but it wasn't the same. The yard outside of the house WAS the same though...which was odd. It was myself, a guy friend of mine, a little girl, and a strange woman. Of course, it was storming madly outside...pitch black, whipping winds, lightning, thunder. The strange woman keeps telling us that the trouble is a-comin'.
Suddenly a couple comes running into the house, scared, wet, wanting a place to stay. My friend gets them situated, while I take the little girl to try to put her to bed. My friend comes in to help with the bedtime things, we take however long that takes. Then, when we go back out to the livingroom of this old house, there is the couple, hanging up against the ceiling ripped open, skin peeled back, think Silence of the Lambs when he's in the jail cell and rips up that gaurd. The strange woman is just standing there not saying a word.
The power is out now...everything is pitch black except when it's lit up with lightning. The strange woman tells me we have to go outside. To stop the evil we HAVE to go outside RIGHT now. So, out we go. My husky is chained to the swingset (mind you, the yard is the same as my real childhood yard). I go grab him and save him. I wrap his leash around my waist so that he can't get away. While we are outside we see "the evil"...it's in the form of a large man on top of a GIANT barber-chair type apparatus in the front yard. It looks like a more twisted version of something out of The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's rising higher and higher and he is cackling at us...there are blades and saws and all kinds of craziness attached to it. The strange woman and I go screaming into the house with dog in tow.
Suddenly it's silent outside. No storms, no cackling. Just silence, but everything is pitch black. Suddenly a single footstep falls on the front porch. We dive into doorways or under tables trying to see who/what it is while still staying hidden. By this time the little girl and my guy friend have joined us again. We keep sneaking around difference rooms to avoid the face that is peering in the windows at us. The front door bursts open and there is a figure in a yellow rain coat. Muddy boots. The floor was beautiful wood, but now it has leaves and mud and rain all over it. The little girl has moved out from behind me where she had been hiding. The strange figure snatches her and runs outside. My guy friend runs out after them. The strange woman and I follow.
The wind is picking up again and the rain is starting. I can hear the little girl screaming over the sounds of the storm. She is literally being ripped to pieces by "The Evil" who is no longer wearing a rain coat. He tosses her onto the group. My guy friend is lifted into the air by an unseen force and strapped into the barber chair machine. It begins rising again going higher and higher into the air. I have taken the dog's leash and secured us around a tree...the wind is coming so heavy now that it threatens to take us away with it. I am screaming and crying as I watch the barber chair and all of its saws and blades and knives slowly approach my friend...some are nicking some...some are still too far away. The strange woman is just standing there, beneath the chair, staring at "The Evil", who is now as tall as the lifted chair. The strange woman grows to match his size. They are battling and struggling. My friend is struggling to get loose. He manages to loosen the straps and falls 20 feet to the ground. He comes struggling over to me and holds onto the tree. Whatever the strange woman is doing, it's working. The storms are lifting. The Evil is getting smaller and smaller until there is nothing left but dust that the last bits of wind carry away.
At that point I woke up shaking and scared out of my mind. Immediately after I woke up, the cat sneezed in my face and I realized I was fine...although I may have left the bathroom light on for the rest of the night...
The End.
Oh Hai! I saw the aim you sent me last night but my computer shitted up and wouldn't let me respond..... 

Uhm. Scary.