HOORAY!!! 2008 Toyota Yaris. She is pretty. She needs a name. I am not sure why, but I decided my car is a girl. I previously owned Barney the Purple Grand Am. Barney went bye-bye today. I did not cry.
My dad drove the title to the old car down and sat with my through the whole process and then he took me out for prime rib to celebrate my first car. This isn't really my "first" car, but it is the first one I had any say in...the others have been hand-me-downs.
(Yes, I realize that I look like shit...I got WAY too excited about WAY too many things today and am now dead exhausted...and it's not even 9pm. It shall be an early night for me. CLEARLY I need to catch up beauty sleep.)
Got this done before I went to get the car today. I have wanted it for a long time and I am in a solid job that I've been in for a year and a half now, one of my co-workers already has her nostril pierced and I figured I better sneak it in before the new director is hired so they can think I was hired that way. Haha. Not to sound conceited, but I think it's really cute on me. It will look cuter when I wash my damn face and get the blood off. The only problem I see is that I get immense satisfaction out of picking my nose. How long do you think before I can do that again?
Who else has awesome 4th of July plans? Right now, it looks like I will be heading up to the Cleveland area to BBQ and swim and have fun with the guys I drove bus with in college. Hooray! I was planning on sitting here by myself because my old car didn't have anymore road trips left in her, but since the new car came in earlier (2 weeks earlier) than expected, I got lucky on that count.
Oh, and I have a job interview tomorrow for a new part-time job to amuse me in the evenings. I had to decide between a new job and a new hobby and with the car payments I now have, a new hobby that cost any kind of money was out of the question, so I chose the part-time job option so that I also have MORE money. Wish me luck. It's nothing important, but I think it could be a good way to spend my time in the evenings rather than sitting here waiting for someone to come talk to me online. It'll only be 15-20 hours a week, but that should be perfect. And it's not like I'm missing out on a ton of hot dates or anything...
Have a great end of the week and a great holiday my loves.