The past 4 days off work have been WONDERFUL!
I do not want to go back tomorrow. Especially since I have 2 conferences in the next week. And a midterm, and 2 finals. By Dec. 4th, I should be comatose.
Thanksgiving at my mom's was interesting. My brother, mom, and I had a secret drinking game at the table. I drank an entire bottle of wine playing this game. My mom and I had lots of good talks too. Sometimes it strikes me how incredibly alike we are. I fought it when I was younger...refused to believe it, but now I am glad. She's an awesome lady. My best friend from high school came over and we curled up on the couch together and watched Grey's...which was MUCH better than watching it with her via AIM. Silly girl and her med school.
Jon and I had to rush home Friday morning since the friend we had letting the dog out couldnt do it, and his last visit was at midnight. I went and got our holiday decorations. Put up the tree (just a tiny one!...our livingroom is small and we don't have room for a 6' or 8' tree) and still haven't done the pretty drape for the mantle. I'll get around to that this week...maybe...if I'm not studying or at work late.
Yesterday I went to MidOhio Con with PunkNiteMike and KatieOkieDokie. Got some good presents for Jon and some other people too. I've never been to an event like this before. It was definitely interesting. I have great respect for grown men who can wear skin-tight spandex and show their package to everyone. (Although, in all seriousness, there were some costumes that I was just in awe of). Spent the night hanging out at home by myself just relaxing and playing dumb computer games. I loves me some dumb computer games. Right now, Peggle is my drug of choice. I played it for about 3 hours straight today.
Oh...the closer it's getting to Monday, the crankier I am getting. Don't want to do this week...don't want to. Not at all. Everyone send me happy vibes from 8am-6pm every day this week. Please?

Thanksgiving at my mom's was interesting. My brother, mom, and I had a secret drinking game at the table. I drank an entire bottle of wine playing this game. My mom and I had lots of good talks too. Sometimes it strikes me how incredibly alike we are. I fought it when I was younger...refused to believe it, but now I am glad. She's an awesome lady. My best friend from high school came over and we curled up on the couch together and watched Grey's...which was MUCH better than watching it with her via AIM. Silly girl and her med school.
Jon and I had to rush home Friday morning since the friend we had letting the dog out couldnt do it, and his last visit was at midnight. I went and got our holiday decorations. Put up the tree (just a tiny one!...our livingroom is small and we don't have room for a 6' or 8' tree) and still haven't done the pretty drape for the mantle. I'll get around to that this week...maybe...if I'm not studying or at work late.
Yesterday I went to MidOhio Con with PunkNiteMike and KatieOkieDokie. Got some good presents for Jon and some other people too. I've never been to an event like this before. It was definitely interesting. I have great respect for grown men who can wear skin-tight spandex and show their package to everyone. (Although, in all seriousness, there were some costumes that I was just in awe of). Spent the night hanging out at home by myself just relaxing and playing dumb computer games. I loves me some dumb computer games. Right now, Peggle is my drug of choice. I played it for about 3 hours straight today.
Oh...the closer it's getting to Monday, the crankier I am getting. Don't want to do this week...don't want to. Not at all. Everyone send me happy vibes from 8am-6pm every day this week. Please?
it was cool seeing ya on saturday, and i was in awe of some of those costumes too. especially the star wars and predator stuff i saw.
i've been playing spider solitare non stop lately to fight off the urge to smoke. but i broke this evening and had 2. oh well. i will send you good vibes if you send me some from 9 - 6pm. with all these good vibes going around, we should all do seemingly well this week.
wish i could have joined you guys at the comic con, i would have loved to see some of that stuff. hehe. mmmmuah!