Since I actually used the phrase "I am SOO totally blogging about this" over the weekend, I figured I should get started early. Plus, I know everyone LOVES my insanely long posts.
Friday I helped Trickynicki move into a new apartment. Moving is never fun, but I actually had a good time...must have been the company. Although, we were a little bit like a parade of retards. DevilsReject came to help too, and he has learned my deepest, darkest secret. I live a complete double life. My dad stopped by Nicki's for a minute to pick up a dresser she was giving me, and for about half an hour, I was completely sweet and appropriate. As soon as he left, I reverted back to how I am normally. I got crap for that all weekend. There are just some things about me that would make my dad's head explode and I don't feel like having that happen. Nicki's grandma gave me home-grown tomatoes as payment for helping...I will be eating those for the rest of the week. Screw the vegetables in stores that don't taste at all like vegetables. And Nicki's mom kept offered us vicodins and percosets...I'm like " arms hurt...but not quite THAT much". I've never had a mom offer me drugs was a little creepy. Haha. I had to leave a little early, since my dad was in town, and I felt super guilty about that...I have a major guilt complex when I'm afraid that I'm letting someone down.
Saturday I went to the OSU game with my dad. We headed up to campus super early in the day and putzed around. We got into the stadium a little later than we usually like to, and we were starving, so we stopped to get hot dogs (stadium hotdogs are almost better than sex for me) and pretzels. The marching band was starting their ramp entrance while we were waiting in a super long line. I kind of whimpered a little and my dad was like "Go on...I've got the food...I know you want to watch." I hate missing the marching band. I am a complete band-geek. The game was OK. Not great. We won, but I'm honestly not thrilled with any of our new quarterbacks or our defense. We'll see how the season turns out. Although, the stadium did go pretty darn insane when we found out Michigan lost. We also had a chance to meet all of our stadium-neighbors. Since we have season tickets, it's a good idea to be-friend your neighbors as early on as possible. I got insane sunburn in crazy patterns all over me. The tops of my feet are burnt since I was wearing flip-flops, my face looks a little raccoon-ey, my arms are burnt, but because I had stuff on my wrists, I have wide white lines, and I have a huge triangle on my chest from my jersey. When I got to Nicki's later that night,
DevilsReject saw the triangle and went "get a am drawing a great big "S" right there." Apparently, it looked the Superman shield.
Saturday night I hung out with Nicki and DR. We went and got food. I was so hungry. I usually eat 4 or 5 times a day, but stadium food is so expensive that I can't nibble throughout the game and leave with any money. After dinner we decided to go to Vanity "for a little bit"...we ended up staying until it closed at 5am. Highlights of that include: me getting called "boo" by a large group of black men then DR deciding it was my new nickname, nicki getting hit on by strange non-english speaking men, DR going to the store twice to buy bottles of wine for dancers, me attempting to open a bottle of beer with my keys for 20 minutes before someone goes "the bartender has a bottle-opener", lots of food talk...DR and I have decided that we could never date because we'd both end up weighing 800lbs and he'd be eating corned beef and nacho cheese off of me, and as hot as the sounds, i'm really not into food-play. I like to eat my food. After Vanity closed, we headed back to Nicki's house, woke up all of her neighbors laughing hysterically in the stairwell because Nicki looked DR square in the eye, called him Daddy, and he went "Geez're a boner killer!" And for some reason, that was the most hilarious thing ever. We went in and watched a lot of Aqua Teen, listened to a Dane Cook and were shouting "Sweet and Sour sauce on my pussy!" and "Arise chicken!!" Nicki moved into this place was our goal to have her kicked out by Monday. I won't lie - all 3 of us were curled up on the couch together, and the whole time I was thinking "YAY! Sleepover!!". I am such a giant cuddle-whore. I am not picky...if you want to curl up with me, I will let you, as long as it doesn't get sexual. But as much as DR begged, Nicki and I would not have a pillow-fight in our panties while giggling. I left as the sun came up because my puppy had been home alone for about 10 hours. Then the cat proceeded to walk on my face while I tried to sleep from like 8:30 to noon.
Sunday I hung out at my house for a while, got NOTHING done, then decided to go see Halloween with Nicki, DR, Meow, and Vectrexx. We hung out at Nicki's for a bit before we went, and somehow we ended up watching a Guys Gone Wild video just so we could see some guy who could wrap his dick all the way around his wrist. *shudders*...that's just creepy. DR almost killed us on the way to the theater...I was in the backseat and I see the cars in front of us braking, and we're still going 70. I'm like "stopping. OH MY GOD...STOPPING!" It was a good movie...there was some cheesy dialouge, but I enjoyed it. That was the first time I had been in a movie theater in about 4 years. The panic disorder occassionally makes it so I can't handle being in a dark theater in the middle of a row surrounded by strangers. We went back to Nicki's for a while...I won't lie...I didn't really want to go home alone...I was a little scared Michael Myers would be waiting fr me. DR and I went out to smoke and there was a possum wander down the street...he's like "I wonder what sounds possums make." And I was like "I'll go poke it for you, so we can find out, but you're driving me to the emergency room if it attacks." But he wouldn't let me. No possum-poking for Ash. Then we made up a story about getting attacked by a gaggle of chipmunks.
Nicki is my new love.
I can't tell you how many times this weekend we were saying/thinking the same thing, and I just have a blast everytime we hang out. I've always been more comfortable around guys, but sometimes they just don't "get it" as well as a girl-friend can. So, I am very glad that she convinced me to come out to Havana the last time and meet her.
Now, I have to do all of the crappy things I didn't get done yet this weekend. Boo for laundry and cleaning.
Friday I helped Trickynicki move into a new apartment. Moving is never fun, but I actually had a good time...must have been the company. Although, we were a little bit like a parade of retards. DevilsReject came to help too, and he has learned my deepest, darkest secret. I live a complete double life. My dad stopped by Nicki's for a minute to pick up a dresser she was giving me, and for about half an hour, I was completely sweet and appropriate. As soon as he left, I reverted back to how I am normally. I got crap for that all weekend. There are just some things about me that would make my dad's head explode and I don't feel like having that happen. Nicki's grandma gave me home-grown tomatoes as payment for helping...I will be eating those for the rest of the week. Screw the vegetables in stores that don't taste at all like vegetables. And Nicki's mom kept offered us vicodins and percosets...I'm like " arms hurt...but not quite THAT much". I've never had a mom offer me drugs was a little creepy. Haha. I had to leave a little early, since my dad was in town, and I felt super guilty about that...I have a major guilt complex when I'm afraid that I'm letting someone down.
Saturday I went to the OSU game with my dad. We headed up to campus super early in the day and putzed around. We got into the stadium a little later than we usually like to, and we were starving, so we stopped to get hot dogs (stadium hotdogs are almost better than sex for me) and pretzels. The marching band was starting their ramp entrance while we were waiting in a super long line. I kind of whimpered a little and my dad was like "Go on...I've got the food...I know you want to watch." I hate missing the marching band. I am a complete band-geek. The game was OK. Not great. We won, but I'm honestly not thrilled with any of our new quarterbacks or our defense. We'll see how the season turns out. Although, the stadium did go pretty darn insane when we found out Michigan lost. We also had a chance to meet all of our stadium-neighbors. Since we have season tickets, it's a good idea to be-friend your neighbors as early on as possible. I got insane sunburn in crazy patterns all over me. The tops of my feet are burnt since I was wearing flip-flops, my face looks a little raccoon-ey, my arms are burnt, but because I had stuff on my wrists, I have wide white lines, and I have a huge triangle on my chest from my jersey. When I got to Nicki's later that night,
DevilsReject saw the triangle and went "get a am drawing a great big "S" right there." Apparently, it looked the Superman shield.
Saturday night I hung out with Nicki and DR. We went and got food. I was so hungry. I usually eat 4 or 5 times a day, but stadium food is so expensive that I can't nibble throughout the game and leave with any money. After dinner we decided to go to Vanity "for a little bit"...we ended up staying until it closed at 5am. Highlights of that include: me getting called "boo" by a large group of black men then DR deciding it was my new nickname, nicki getting hit on by strange non-english speaking men, DR going to the store twice to buy bottles of wine for dancers, me attempting to open a bottle of beer with my keys for 20 minutes before someone goes "the bartender has a bottle-opener", lots of food talk...DR and I have decided that we could never date because we'd both end up weighing 800lbs and he'd be eating corned beef and nacho cheese off of me, and as hot as the sounds, i'm really not into food-play. I like to eat my food. After Vanity closed, we headed back to Nicki's house, woke up all of her neighbors laughing hysterically in the stairwell because Nicki looked DR square in the eye, called him Daddy, and he went "Geez're a boner killer!" And for some reason, that was the most hilarious thing ever. We went in and watched a lot of Aqua Teen, listened to a Dane Cook and were shouting "Sweet and Sour sauce on my pussy!" and "Arise chicken!!" Nicki moved into this place was our goal to have her kicked out by Monday. I won't lie - all 3 of us were curled up on the couch together, and the whole time I was thinking "YAY! Sleepover!!". I am such a giant cuddle-whore. I am not picky...if you want to curl up with me, I will let you, as long as it doesn't get sexual. But as much as DR begged, Nicki and I would not have a pillow-fight in our panties while giggling. I left as the sun came up because my puppy had been home alone for about 10 hours. Then the cat proceeded to walk on my face while I tried to sleep from like 8:30 to noon.
Sunday I hung out at my house for a while, got NOTHING done, then decided to go see Halloween with Nicki, DR, Meow, and Vectrexx. We hung out at Nicki's for a bit before we went, and somehow we ended up watching a Guys Gone Wild video just so we could see some guy who could wrap his dick all the way around his wrist. *shudders*...that's just creepy. DR almost killed us on the way to the theater...I was in the backseat and I see the cars in front of us braking, and we're still going 70. I'm like "stopping. OH MY GOD...STOPPING!" It was a good movie...there was some cheesy dialouge, but I enjoyed it. That was the first time I had been in a movie theater in about 4 years. The panic disorder occassionally makes it so I can't handle being in a dark theater in the middle of a row surrounded by strangers. We went back to Nicki's for a while...I won't lie...I didn't really want to go home alone...I was a little scared Michael Myers would be waiting fr me. DR and I went out to smoke and there was a possum wander down the street...he's like "I wonder what sounds possums make." And I was like "I'll go poke it for you, so we can find out, but you're driving me to the emergency room if it attacks." But he wouldn't let me. No possum-poking for Ash. Then we made up a story about getting attacked by a gaggle of chipmunks.
Nicki is my new love.

Now, I have to do all of the crappy things I didn't get done yet this weekend. Boo for laundry and cleaning.
just kidding.
thank you for your honest opinion.