I really do have good times, and I really do not bitch constantly, but the past week and a half has just sucked. And yes, I am throwing myself a pity-party, and screw you if you try to tell me that you have never done it. Everyone has.
I just wanted someone to come hang out with me for a little bit. I have no issue going somewhere to hang out, but I look like I'm a battered wife right now since the left side of my jaw is one giant bruise. I just don't want to see the pitying looks that other people give when they automatically assume that you have been in a domestic abuse situation. I've seen those looks first hand, and they're not pretty.
Half my friends said "sorry...I have work/plans/no babysitter/ect". I have no issue with that. I am annoyed with the 3 or 4 people who said "Sure, I'll come hang out for a bit", and have now flaked out on me. (Not you Nicki...
...I know the offer is still on the table). Yes, I know that hanging out with me won't be a loud, drunken, hilarious time, but I feel like some of these people should know that I'd be there with them. For example, my roommate from college...I have known him since I was 14, and I lived with him for 3 years. He is one of my best friends. He totally flaked on me with the "Well...my GF doesn't really want me to come hang out with you." WTF? Seriously dude...I lived with you for 3 years...if I had wanted to fuck you, I would have walked into your bedroom naked one night. I did not. I am especially not sexy right now, so she should have NOTHING to worry about.
Last night at my house was like a terrible comedy movie where you can't do anything but feel sorry for the main character. The dog is really unhappy because Boyfriend isn't home. Boyfriend works from home and really never leaves, so the dog just isn't good when he's gone. Last night, I was making a late snack, I had bent down to retrieve stuff from the oven and the dog comes tearing into the kitchen, slides on the wood floor, and practically knocks me head-first into the oven. I am not burnt, but I did set a good kitchen towel on fire. I toss that in the sink and turn the water on. Ok...my snack is fine. I let the dog outside thinking he will run off some energy and come back in and be fine. We have a large fenced yard, so we'll usually just let him outside to play. Well, I grab my food and sit down to eat...and it's silence. Usually I can hear his chain tinkling. I went "huh...wonder what he's up to"...so I go outside. No dog. WTF? I see a gaping hole in the fence where he had rammed up against it and knocked a board loose. CRAP! Now...if anyone has ever had a Husky...you know why this is bad, bad, bad. They run. They say "fuck you" and will never, ever come back unless you are quick or clever. They are strong and fast and have great endurance. This is about the 3rd time he's gotten loose since I've owned him (the first time a nice man approximately 5 miles away called and said he had chained him up in his yard and we can come get him, the second time my best girlfriend and I, who were drunk at the time, ended up chasing him around the neighborhood for half an hour before she finally tackled him), and even though he's obnoxious I love his furry ass and don't want him lost or hit by a car. So, I go charging out of the yard, and there he is poking around in the front yard. I go...ok...I can do this. I run back in the house, grab the dog biscuit jar and run back outside. Mind, you, I am in shorty shorts and a tank top. No shoes. No bra. No underwear. I am following him around the yard bent at the waist (and I'm sure showing off my vajeen to anyone who may have been outside or driving past) wiggling a cookie at him going "want a cookie Max? come get a cookie... I know you want this goddamn cookie" He looks at me, gets close enough to nab the cookie, but I am not fast enought to nab his chain, and he takes off running down the block. Now, I am running after him. He stops to take a shit and I leap on him. Like bodily throw myself on top of the dog. I get a hold of his chain and haul him back into the house. As I am trying to get him in, I drop cookies all over the neighborhood (some dog on his walk today will be VERY happy). I trip over the threshold of the door, the rest of the cookies that I hadn't lost go flying all across the kitchen, so now I have the dog ripping my shoulder out of it's socket to chase cookies all over the house. He is finally in the house. I am picking up cookies. I turn my back for two seconds and he has eaten my late night snack. At this point, I can't decide whether to cry or laugh hysterically, so I just go to bed.
Now, I can't find the hammer and can't fix the fence, so Max and I will be going for multiple walks today, since I can't let him out in the yard to do his business.
Today HAS to be better than yesterday...
I just wanted someone to come hang out with me for a little bit. I have no issue going somewhere to hang out, but I look like I'm a battered wife right now since the left side of my jaw is one giant bruise. I just don't want to see the pitying looks that other people give when they automatically assume that you have been in a domestic abuse situation. I've seen those looks first hand, and they're not pretty.
Half my friends said "sorry...I have work/plans/no babysitter/ect". I have no issue with that. I am annoyed with the 3 or 4 people who said "Sure, I'll come hang out for a bit", and have now flaked out on me. (Not you Nicki...

Last night at my house was like a terrible comedy movie where you can't do anything but feel sorry for the main character. The dog is really unhappy because Boyfriend isn't home. Boyfriend works from home and really never leaves, so the dog just isn't good when he's gone. Last night, I was making a late snack, I had bent down to retrieve stuff from the oven and the dog comes tearing into the kitchen, slides on the wood floor, and practically knocks me head-first into the oven. I am not burnt, but I did set a good kitchen towel on fire. I toss that in the sink and turn the water on. Ok...my snack is fine. I let the dog outside thinking he will run off some energy and come back in and be fine. We have a large fenced yard, so we'll usually just let him outside to play. Well, I grab my food and sit down to eat...and it's silence. Usually I can hear his chain tinkling. I went "huh...wonder what he's up to"...so I go outside. No dog. WTF? I see a gaping hole in the fence where he had rammed up against it and knocked a board loose. CRAP! Now...if anyone has ever had a Husky...you know why this is bad, bad, bad. They run. They say "fuck you" and will never, ever come back unless you are quick or clever. They are strong and fast and have great endurance. This is about the 3rd time he's gotten loose since I've owned him (the first time a nice man approximately 5 miles away called and said he had chained him up in his yard and we can come get him, the second time my best girlfriend and I, who were drunk at the time, ended up chasing him around the neighborhood for half an hour before she finally tackled him), and even though he's obnoxious I love his furry ass and don't want him lost or hit by a car. So, I go charging out of the yard, and there he is poking around in the front yard. I go...ok...I can do this. I run back in the house, grab the dog biscuit jar and run back outside. Mind, you, I am in shorty shorts and a tank top. No shoes. No bra. No underwear. I am following him around the yard bent at the waist (and I'm sure showing off my vajeen to anyone who may have been outside or driving past) wiggling a cookie at him going "want a cookie Max? come get a cookie... I know you want this goddamn cookie" He looks at me, gets close enough to nab the cookie, but I am not fast enought to nab his chain, and he takes off running down the block. Now, I am running after him. He stops to take a shit and I leap on him. Like bodily throw myself on top of the dog. I get a hold of his chain and haul him back into the house. As I am trying to get him in, I drop cookies all over the neighborhood (some dog on his walk today will be VERY happy). I trip over the threshold of the door, the rest of the cookies that I hadn't lost go flying all across the kitchen, so now I have the dog ripping my shoulder out of it's socket to chase cookies all over the house. He is finally in the house. I am picking up cookies. I turn my back for two seconds and he has eaten my late night snack. At this point, I can't decide whether to cry or laugh hysterically, so I just go to bed.
Now, I can't find the hammer and can't fix the fence, so Max and I will be going for multiple walks today, since I can't let him out in the yard to do his business.
Today HAS to be better than yesterday...
Awww baby! I hadn't even read this when I checked in to see how you were. Bad puppy, bad! I'm sorry. I will find a soft snack for you tomorrow lol. And if we go anywhere and ppl look at you like you were beaten, I promise to grab your hand and yell, "What are you looking at, my woman was mouthing off!" K?

I'm off at 5 so just text me or something, I should have my phone next to me at work tomorrow