I am bored...so I will spend some time bitching about my wisdom tooth removal. Jon refused to go into the room with me, so I was all alone. I texted my dad and was like "Oh crap I'm nervous". He texted me back and said "If you are very brave, I will take you for ice cream when I come down next weekend." So, I get ice cream next weekend. Woo! Good news - no panic attack this time. I held my shit together for the most part. I felt my heart start to race a little and had some trouble breathing and a tear or two MAY have escaped, but the hygenist (who couldn't have been much older than me and was super cute) was like "oh honey...it's okay"...and she started rubbing my shoulders. I was like "mmm...that's nice. you can keep that up." Haha. It took about 5 minutes total to get the teeth out after I was numb. After that I came home and hit the couch with a crappy romance novel.
Seriously. SOOOO Bored. I have been laying here since I got back from the dentist at 1pm. Everytime I get up, Jon tells me I look like crap and should go lay back down.
I won't lie - I do look like a lop-sided chipmunk. I have one very puffy cheek right now. But there is virtually no pain. It's just a little swollen and tender. My jaw has some problems opening very far....guess I won't be giving anyone head for a while...
I'm not taking anything for the pain because it's not even really pain. I have a shit ton of vicodin now for no good reason. BF says if I'm not using it, he will.
I might give my dog to the first person who expresses interest though. Whoever said pets are connected to their owners and can tell when they don't feel good, obviously has never met my dog. He just did laps around the entire livingroom, lept up on the couch and onto me, jumped off me, scratched me, and ran around in more circles barking. Seriously. Come on, dog.
Seriously. SOOOO Bored. I have been laying here since I got back from the dentist at 1pm. Everytime I get up, Jon tells me I look like crap and should go lay back down.
I won't lie - I do look like a lop-sided chipmunk. I have one very puffy cheek right now. But there is virtually no pain. It's just a little swollen and tender. My jaw has some problems opening very far....guess I won't be giving anyone head for a while...

I might give my dog to the first person who expresses interest though. Whoever said pets are connected to their owners and can tell when they don't feel good, obviously has never met my dog. He just did laps around the entire livingroom, lept up on the couch and onto me, jumped off me, scratched me, and ran around in more circles barking. Seriously. Come on, dog.
Aww the puppy was just trying to cheer you up! Good job on being a brave little toaster and if you're up for anything by tomorrow evening or Sunday evening give me a call and I will make sure I have some ice cream on hand. Feel better deary 

I meant Sat night or Sun night, I just can't talk lol. So yeah, anytime you are too bored just call and I hope you feel better *hug*