I had my first annual review for my job today. And let's just say I was shocked. Our reviews have 4 levels of competency...you can be "needs improvement", "solid performance", "above expectations", and "extraordinary". The employee does their own, then sits down with their supervisor to compare. I gave myself a couple solids and a couple above expectations. I consider myself average, but very good at a couple things. My supervisor gave me all extraordinary's. WOOT!! She said that everyone in my department is thrilled at my constant good-cheer and postive attitude. Happy Ash strikes again!
My cold-from-hell is slowly going away. I don't have any plans for this weekend, but it'd still be nice to be completely healthy by then.
I had A LOT of drama on Tuesday. *ugh* I hate drama. I ended up calling my best friend and asking her how to handle it. She had the same attitude I did...we only hang out with girls "like us" because we have no idea how to handle easily-offended, girly-girls. She and I have spent the past 11 years together and can't recall a time we got all catty with one another...it seems whenever I meet another women I think I can be close to, she ends up going insane on me. This one said I wasn't putting as much effort into the friendship as she was. Woah. Seriously woah. I felt like I was a man and she was giving me an ultimatum. This is why I have all guy-friends. I won't lie. I am hoping some of the awesome women I've met on here are awesome forever and don't go crazy on me.
I have no feedback, just a highfive.
im gonna double post because im cool like nicki.... Hollie (sanguine) got to see her brother and wanted me to tell you thanks for your help