I thought I would post this up here for good measure. Usually I keep this and my live journal seperated.


Anyway, copied from my LJ:

I know I mentioned that my patience with things has been wearing really thin.

Well, it's gone now.

In no way should anyone, especially parties involved, look too far into this. I'd rather not "confide" in anyone only because...
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I have had quite possibly one of the most bizzare weeks of my life. Thanks to this week, I now have a full fledged stalker.


No, actually this is quite scary.

Oh well, if I end up dead soon, I do. Shit happens.

Avenge my death.

Tomorrow I go see Henry Rollins Spoken Word.

I wen't last year and it was great.

I might have an extra ticket I need to figure out what to do with.

O well. Shit happens.

Nothing of use to say. Well, there is a lot on my mind right now. Unfortunately, I need to be asleep about 3 hours ago, because I have to...
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hope the show was good. He came out here, but I couldn't make it to out to see it.
robot skull robot skull robot
What the FUCK??!!

Ok, so about a year ago I apparently broke a couple laws. Actually this was more than a year ago. I went to court a year ago.

Here's the story.

My Aunt was drunk out of her mind, so I walked over to the bar she was at to drive her and her car home.

I get pulled over. Apparently her tags...
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Yay for getting you license back! biggrin
i am not a bobby. i am an incredibly bored friend of his who is abusing this operation to vent my spleen with a tidal wave of smiley faces. smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa

So, Umm.

Shit. I don't have anything to say today.

I better run before I say something stupid.

My roommate apparently followed an annonymous tip to this journal thingy here.

That was plesant to wake up to.

All is well for now though. The differences I think have been cleared up for now.

So, I went out again tonight.

This time to go see Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind.

Those of you unfamiliar with it, it is 30 plays...
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oh good.

Today is gonna be one of those akward days.

Another night where I don't do what I should do.

Instead I tend to randomly do the wrong thing every time.

Shit, could be worse.

I have to attempt to be up early for work. Earlier than usual, cause I left a lot of work to do this morning.

Go me.
I keep hearing these rumors that life is what you make of it, blah blah blah.

I don't find this to be true.

I am tired of living under routine, so I have decided to mix things up a bit.

The roommate, still useless as always, is about to find himself homeless. There are some people you just shouldn't live with.

I am one of...
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Ahh... life sux... and thats about it.

Good Luck w/ you coffee shop/diner hunting.

At least you've got some good shows to go to. I missed the last Perfect Circle show. I've seen them once, so I wasn't too distraught. The only show I'm looking forward to is the SG show on Sat. Coincedently enough that would be Valentine's day.....and yet again I find myself w/o a signifigant other. But trust me, this is entirely within my control. I got a call from my ex wanting to hook back up and I explained it was a no-go. Now if I could only run into that hot brunette I met last week.....Anyways, you should hit up Chicago. It's not like you live in Ohio.
robot skull robot skull robot