Once again, modern mainstream horror disappoints. Boogeyman was awful. Sam Raimi must have had a gun to head when he produced that turd.
So I guess my plan to stay home this weekend was completely fucked. I ended up at the Cock & Bull, which is a shitty bar but my friends seem to enjoy congregating there. So that sucked balls.
I've said it before, but I'm getting tired of the fucking bar scene.
I need to meet some people who like to sit home on a Saturday and watch a good horror or comedy movie and drink a little beer.
So I guess my plan to stay home this weekend was completely fucked. I ended up at the Cock & Bull, which is a shitty bar but my friends seem to enjoy congregating there. So that sucked balls.
I've said it before, but I'm getting tired of the fucking bar scene.

I need to meet some people who like to sit home on a Saturday and watch a good horror or comedy movie and drink a little beer.

actually it was his own house and he was picking up his shit because his gurl was a tweaker and he was moving out....he took a gun because they wouldn't let him in the house...and it's his gurls mom who filed the report and she wasn't even there....the problem lays in that his name wasn't on the lease i don't think....but that's because they did background checks and he wouldn't have passed.......he smokes pot....that's about it....he used to have issues but he went to jail for selling before and mostly cleaned up since then....his gurl is a fucking cunt tho and that's the problem
You just need a fake moustache and you'll feel fine.