So now I'm 3-3. My youngest daughter finally made her first trip to the ER. No biggie, more a paranoid dad thing than a injured cutie thing. We were playing, and she hit the landed...hard? She seemed to land on her feet like usual, but went into her pain-cry, and tylan picked her up. We walked home, and when she tried to stand, she winced...
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Finally, some weather we can be proud of! After 55" of snow in Feb, and 8" of Rain in March, we get a 75 degree beginning to April....and my wheel is still down.....

Happy, and not-so-happy...whatcha gonna do, eh?
I sit here, staring at a blinking line in a stark white box, and realize....I don't really have anything prophetic to add. Right now, anyway....give me time.
This reminds me of my life.
Okay, so I'm *kinda* new around here....truth be told, I've been looking over my wife's shoulder for years now, figured I should man up and get my own account....