I was tagged by @brightmeadow22
What was your first animal?
Cats, always cats!
Which animals did you had in your life?
Cats, fish, rats, hamsters, rabbits and more cats
What kind of animals do you have now?
I have two tabby kitty's, Destin and Hazel
Your spirit animal?
My spirit animal is always one of four; a white stag, a fox, a butterfly or a raven
If you could choose to be a animal for one day..
A cat at my mothers home XD so I can finally relax and get some rest haha
Do you have animal tattoo's?
I have butterflies on my leg
What is your fav animal print?
The black/green/purple shine of some black feathers
if you would have all the time, space and money in the world which animal would you love to have?
A Main Coon or Norwegian Forest cat. The become really big!
Do you have a last message?
Animals are better then (most) people. But the people who care so much for animals are my people