This day will be spent on the couch with several viewing of the Universal monsters collection. And I will be drinking one or more cups of tea and cuddling the blanket . For I have submitted all school work and have a day off this wonderful Monday.
so the viewing will be as following
1. The cat and The Canary 
2. Dracula 
3. frankenstein 
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I will be going to class and feeling quite jealous of you.  😉
Fuck you !Nothing amazes me anymore , we have seen and heard it all . Some or no more than some are so stupid it's allmost funny. When I looked at this Clips dear fat people I can not even get angry , I just feel sad that there are so very awful people that plague the lives of others. so I just feel like...
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Oh my god that dear fat people shit is so fucked up.  Fucking hate that crap.  But ha ha she lost a job cause of it. 
Thats nice to know hahah

if I could just get out of bed , I have had a bad week and as usual when I feel bad , I can not even get out of bed . Netflix roars in the background and the time crawls by. hell I 'll probably have bedsores soon. showering , No, then I have to move . Intercourse No thanks do you know how
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Oh good on you hubby.  Sisters can do that can't they.  Just help you when you need it.  I'm sorry to hear about the week.  I've been up and down all week.  Take care of yourself sweetie, ok 

to be someone I'd never been. speak languages that I never talked. find plastics I have never seen. love the people I had not known existed. this will be my future, this is my goal.

~Ofelia XOXO


Soft kitty sleepy kitty little boll of...I need a bedtime song and nobody can sing for me.

Think my mom would mind singing over the phone?

Shining sun has gone to bed, so must you my baby.  Little birds are in their nest, come to yours my baby.  Littles lamb can, soft and white, snuggling cuddling in the night.  So must you my baby.  Whistling winds go rushing by, all for you my baby.  Round about the house they fly, just to please my baby. Romping winds may play at night, twinkling stars may sparkle bright.  You must sleep my baby.  You must sleep my baby.                 (Oh yeah, who has the Swedish Cradle Song on their Phone and listens to it at bed time....yeah.)