Here is the product description.
An incredibly unique taste, this is peach jasmine flavored gum by kracie with special healing benefits. Not only is this a sugarless gum with added vitamin C, but it also contains hyaluronic acid, an ingredient claimed to help prevent premature aging in the skin, and it even improves the way you smell, adding a touch of aroma to your natural body odor. This pack contains 9 tablet-shaped (chicklet-style) individually wrapped gum candies. Treat yourself and your skin to this wonderful gum! A delicious grapefruit flavor.
I feel like I need a scientific approach to this. First, I will ask some random people that I know from work to smell me and provide a description of my aroma. This will essentially serve as a control. When the gum arrives I will chew two pieces a day for thirty days. Then those same people will be asked how I smell at a later date.
Good thing the institution I work for doesn't have any kind of Institutional Review Board (IRB). I don't know if it's ethically sound to subject my coworkers to this kind of experimentation. I still need to iron out a few details like the size of test groups. I suppose I should just try to get as many people as I can. I will post updates and conclusions here. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
FYI, I chose the grapefruit flavor over the rose. I am ready and willing to smell like a fruit for science.
When I wake up my eyes are always shut...well at least I think they are
how was your wee holly hol then anyway stinker? (thats a rudii term of endearment by the way, no offense intended. Made apt by how often we discuss your manly musk haha)
I have been known to ninja chop people, really only weirdos in bars trying to cop a feel.
haha if im in a relationship with mr buzz buzz..you could be in a relationship with your right hand hahaha.. oh I am so very witty
oh and I made up a word just for you... quiffalicious
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