I don't think I'm going to stay here on SG much longer.
Not that it affects many people ... just thought I'd mention it though.
In line with not really knowing why I'm here in the first place, losing some of the people who hold you here makes you kinda reconsider the whole adventure and if it's even worth it.
At it's cost, and with what is currently happening out of it... well I'm not sure.
Not that it affects many people ... just thought I'd mention it though.
In line with not really knowing why I'm here in the first place, losing some of the people who hold you here makes you kinda reconsider the whole adventure and if it's even worth it.
At it's cost, and with what is currently happening out of it... well I'm not sure.


This news makes me very sad. I will miss you very much. I wish you would stay but I will respect your decision. You have been a great friend to me. Good luck to you in the future.